When deciding what iron to purchase, the most important consideration is how often you will be using it. For occasional ironing, perhaps just a few pieces here and there, there is the Reliable Digital Velocity v100. This is an exceptional home iron. Even though it is our "basic model," it is far from basic and is actually probably the most advanced handheld iron on the market.

The technology in this thing is really impressive. Click on the above image to view the full list diagram of all the features. The most impressive one to me, and the one that makes the largest difference when using this iron, is the fact that there are two heating elements: (1) one for the sole plate and (2) a second internal heating element used solely for the production of steam. This is huge because it almost completely eliminates the "spitting" experienced with normal irons when the water hits the heated sole plate.
With the Reliable v100 Digital Velocity, steam is generated within the iron before it passes out. The result is a steady flow of steam more consistent with a steamer or pressure iron and with no spitting.
As far as handheld irons go, this is the best iron I have come across. The only drawback of a handheld iron, though, is the relatively limited water reservoir and amount of steam, which only improves when you move up to a Pressure Iron