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Shoe Care Guide

How to Prevent Creases in Dress Shoes

Kirby Allison, founder of the Hanger Project, teaches you the steps to take in order to prevent your high-quality shoes from developing creases in the heel. Follow these simple steps to keep your shoes crease free!

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Hi, I'm Kirby Allison and we love to help the well-dressed take care of their wardrobes. In today's video, I'm going to show you what steps and what products to use in order to prevent your dress shoes from creasing. We know that you work hard to keep your shoes looking great and we're here to help you maintain them and keep them looking as new as possible for as long as possible. If you have any questions or comments during this video please ask them in the comment section below I enjoy getting back to as many of those questions as I possibly can.

The only two products that you really need to prevent creasing on your shoes are proper shoe trees and a shoehorn and I'm going to discuss in this video why each of these are important.

Here we have a pair of our Hanger Project ULTRA shoe trees. Shoe trees are probably the most important product to have in order to prevent creasing -- they maintain the shape of your shoe after every wear and absorb moisture. Although it is totally natural for shoes to develop creasing across the vamp where the shoe flexes, storing your shoes with a proper pair of shoe trees will help minimize those creases by stretching the shoe back flat and pulling those creases out of the leather. So, although you'll still have crease marks they'll be significantly smaller than if you store your shoes without shoe trees. Here at the hanger project we're proud to have the largest and most comprehensive collection of luxury shoe trees available anywhere on the internet. Now, starting from our entry model cedar shoe tree that retails for about $30 to $35 dollars, all the way up to some luxury shoe trees that we have made specifically for us out of Northampton which is the center of the English shoe making industry.

Shoe trees help prevent creasing across the vamp but shoe horns help prevent creasing at the heel. Using a shoehorn is the second most important thing that you can do to keep your shoes looking great and to prevent unsightly creases. Here we have three shoe horns, I have our Mort travel shoe horn that we have made by hand in England from Abbey Horn this is made from a beautiful ox horn and is totally natural, next we have a 7-inch shoe horn that is great if you want a little bit longer of a shoehorn, and lastly we have our 24-inch a full-length shoe horn that is exceptional for someone that doesn't want to have to bend over or sit down to put their shoes on. Shoe horns are essential because they prevent damage to the back of your dress shoes whenever you're putting your shoes on.

This is even more important for people who own bespoke shoes, such as myself, since bespoke shoes fit tight there's really no way that you can put on a pair of bespoke shoes without a shoehorn that doesn't actually push down the back of the heel. Now the more times you do that, the more times you put on a shoe without a shoehorn, ultimately you're going to collapse all the structure in the heel itself and you're gonna see unsightly creasing begin to develop across the back of the shoe. For this reason, I always recommend keeping shoe horns around you, I have several, I have multiples in my closet just in case one of my children take one to go play with. I've always got to back ups in my closet, I actually have a two shoe horns that I keep in my briefcase and I always have an extra shoehorn in my luggage. Now, if you ever find yourself without a shoehorn there's no excuse not to use one -- we have a video exactly on this topic, that is a Shoehorn Hacks: Things that you can use in lieu of a shoehorn. If you find yourself without one, check out that video it'll absolutely save you if you ever find yourself without a shoehorn.

With proper shoe trees and shoe horns it's very easy to minimize or even prevent creasing from forming across your leather dress shoes. All of these products can be found on We're proud to have the largest and most comprehensive collection of Saphir shoe polish and other luxury shoe care accessories in the world. Watch our How to Use a Shoehorn video to learn how to properly use a shoehorn without creasing your shoes.

In today's video I'm wearing one of my bespoke Chris Despos suits, this is a navy or blue fresco suit with patch pockets. I'm wearing a bespoke Charvet shirt of course in my trademark white, along with one of our Sovereign Grade Regimental Rep ties. Of course, like all my suits, these have tab trousers which I really enjoy for just the simplicity and the elegance -- the trousers are uncuffed. And I have a pair of our small dot Palatino socks that beautifully match this suit and then today I'm wearing a pair of my Saint Crispin's Cap Toe Oxfords, that are dark brown.

If you enjoyed this video give us a thumbs up and please subscribe to our channel and turn on your notifications by clicking the bell to the right of the subscribe button so that you can learn whenever we release new videos if you have any questions or comments about anything we discussed on this video please ask them in the comment section below and of course please visit where we have the largest most comprehensive collection of luxury garment care and shoe care accessories in the world, as well as, many other incredible products for the well-dressed and while you are there subscribe to our newsletter to receive notifications of new product launches, promotions, as well as, a weekly digest of all the videos we publish here on our YouTube channel. I'm Kirby Allison and we love to help the well-dressed take care of their wardrobes. Thanks for joining us!