El Habano Moderno, expertly authored by esteemed cigar specialist Alexander Groom, is a beautifully illustrated guide that immerses you in the world of contemporary Cuban cigars. The first section spans 124 pages, offering a concise history of the Cuban cigar alongside in-depth analysis of methods to date and authenticate cigars from any era. With Mr. Groom’s unparalleled expertise, this book is not just informative—it’s the definitive work on modern Cuban cigars.
This second edition, signed by author Alexander Groom, features a new cover band design, updated photography for many cigars, and has been updated to incorporate all 2023 Cuban cigar releases.
Title: El Habano Moderno: A Collector’s Guide to Cuban Cigars in the Modern Era, 2nd Ed.
Author: Alexander Groom
Date of publication: 1st Ed: 2022; 2nd Ed: 2024
Format: Hardcover, 9.2 × 11.8 inches (233 × 300 mm)
Pages: 720
Language: English